The annual observance of World Telecommunication Day, which marks the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on May 17, 1865, drew attention to the work of ITU and the challenges of global communication. The purpose of this observance is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the internet and other information and communication technologies could bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide.
With the principal support of the Office of Communications Authority (OFCA) and a number of sponsors in the industry, CAHK has been hosting the captioned event since 2007, capitalizing on the opportunity to promoting the latest in ICT to the public and especially the youth and the academic communities. In this age of technology revolution, young people are at the forefront, not only the users but also as the innovators.
To celebrate World Telecommunication & Information Society Day (WTISD) 2024, we have a theme "Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development". Taking this opportunity, CAHK would like to joint force with schools and ICT Industry in inspiring students’ imagination and creativity how innovation and technology can solve social challenges encounter in our daily lives through various activities of WTISD closely following the theme provided by ITU.