"AI vs Humans, who will win?" Essay Competition


Humanity had created machineries from technology, which gradually evolved to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Since the emergence of AI, the philosophy and the technology have become increasingly mature, and the fields of application have also been constantly expanding. Undoubtedly, technology exists for the human race, for example, smart search, fingerprints and face recognition etc, have facilitated our daily life. Obviously humanity has entered the AI era, what are your thoughts and views of the linkage between AI and humanity which can complement each other to bring a greater creativity?

Event Details

Submission Period:1 March 2018 – 14 April 2018

Eligibility:S4-S6 secondary, university & college students

  1. Participants should submit no more than 1000 words (Chinese or English) on the theme of "AI vs Human, who will win?" Essay Competition.
  2. Upload the proposal (in Word/ PDF format) to www.cahk.hk/WTISD2018 or whatsapp to 6572 4245 (please state your name/ school/ class/ contact).

Assessment:10 outstanding submissions will be chosen by judge panel. Champion, First Runner-Up and Second Runner-Up will be selected among the outstanding submissions.

Rules and Regulations:
  1. The submitted file size should be below 2MB
  2. The score card for judging will include content(40%), sentence structure(30%) & writing skill(30%).
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to use the submissions in the future for any promotional and marketing service.
  4. All submitted entries must be in original, no copied or synthesis works will be accepted.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the rules and regulations of the event and to change the event details and final results without prior notice.



人類以科技創造機器,漸漸演變成人工智能 (AI),人工智能從誕生以來,理論和技術日益成熟,應用領域也不斷擴大,技術科技無疑是為了人而存在,例如日常生活亦會接觸到智能搜索、指纹識别、人臉識别等,便利了我們日常的生活。人類社會要進入AI時代,你認為AI與人能否相輔相成,去發揮更大的創造力?


提交日期:2018年3月1日 至 4月14日


  1. 各參賽者以不多於1000字(中英文均可),根據主題「AI與人:一分高下」進行撰寫。
  2. 在指定期間將作品(Word/PDF格式)上載至www.cahk.hk/WTISD2018或 Whatsapp 至6572 4245 (需註明姓名/學校/班別/聯絡方式)。


  1. 作品容量需為2MB 以下
  2. 以主題內容(40%)、結構(30%)及寫作技巧(30%)作評分準則
  3. 參賽作品可供主辦機構使用,作展覽或其他宣傳用途
  4. 參賽作品必須為參賽者原創作品, 如因侵犯他人版權, 導致主辦機構受到任何法律行動,參賽者須負全責
  5. 獲獎作品由評審選出,如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權利

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